How to place a Stop Loss or Take Profit on MT4?

Updated on June 5, 2024

Step 1.


Log into MT4 and select an instrument from the Market Watch window.


How to place a Stop Loss or Take Profit on MT4?


Step 2.


Drag the instrument into the graph area.


How to place a Stop Loss or Take Profit on MT4?


Step 3.


Click New Order.


How to place a Stop Loss or Take Profit on MT4?


Step 4.


In the Order window, set a Stop Loss and Take Profit alongside the other order settings. Finally click “Sell by Market” or “Buy by Market”. 


How to place a Stop Loss or Take Profit on MT4?


Modifying an open order


If you have already opened a position you can set a Stop Loss and Take Profit by double clicking on the open order in the Trade window. This will open the Order window which allows you to modify the order with a Stop Loss and Take Profit.


How to place a Stop Loss or Take Profit on MT4?
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