How to create a watchlist in the BlackBull Shares app?

Updated on May 25, 2024

Within the Watchlist tab in the Share Investing Application, tap on the three dots in the top right corner. You will be presented with the options to create a New Watchlist, among other tools.


To create a New Watchlist, click on the grey text of the + New List  in the header box and click OK.

How to navigate your Watchlists? #

In the Watchlist tab, you will see column headers at the top including Instrument, Last traded price, Change in value, Change in percent and Volume.


You can add different instruments on your Watchlist such as Stocks, Futures, and Currency. To do so, tap any row in the watchlist you are working in, and a mini chart window will appear with high and low prices, bid and ask prices.


If you tap on the chart, it will open an in-depth chart window. Here you will find a search button (+) Add Financial Instrument which you can tap and search for an instrument’s name, ticker, or symbol.

Additionally if you wish to find an existing watchlist, go to the 3 dots and click browse lists. Under the Library tab is a selection of pre-made Watchlists, including US Movers, Asia Movers and hundreds more.


How to remove items from your watchlist? #

To remove an instrument from a Watchlist, tap on the three dots on the top right within the Watchlist tab, and choose Edit Watchlist.


Doing so will open a new screen with all the instruments in your Watchlist. A red minus symbol will appear before the instrument name.

Click on the red symbol and then tap the Delete button that will appear to the right.

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