GDP Quarter on Quarter

Local Time:
May 30 2024 |
3:00 am - 3:30 am

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Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Quarter on Quarter reflects changes in the market value of domestically produced goods and services, in the reported quarter compared to the previous quarter.

Swiss GDP is calculated using the value-added statistics (i.e. using the so-called production approach). Value added is determined as a difference between the total income and material production costs. The GDP calculation does not include income from working at home, volunteer work, informal employment and criminal actions.

The production-based GDP is calculated as a sum of value added in 20 major sectors of the national economy. The data are seasonally adjusted to enable the evaluation of net changes in the country’s economy activities occurring due to objective reasons, rather than due to calendar holidays or nature conditions.

GDP is the main measure of the country’s economy strength. Stable GDP growth means the sustainability of both the economic and financial system. Therefore, it can have a positive effect on CHF quotes.

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